
Wet Bench Manufacturer | Wet Process Equipment | Modutek

Custom Fabrication Services for Unique Wafer Processing Requirements


When research labs or semiconductor manufacturing facilities face special requirements for projects or for prototypes, they may need custom equipment to carry out their plans. Special tanks, stations or carriers may be required to make a particular semiconductor product. Modutek specializes in custom design and development and can meet all the customization needs of their customers. The […]

Advantages of HF-Last Etching and IPA Drying in One Chamber


In the final stage of silicon wafer cleaning the silicon oxide layer has to be removed and the clean wafer dried without contamination. When wafers are removed from the HF etching process and transferred to a drying chamber, the extra handling increases the chances for wafers to pick up contaminating particles. Such particles cause errors […]

Wet Processing Systems for Solar Cell Manufacturing


Solar cell manufacturing facilities and research labs use wet processing equipment to etch and clean solar cell silicon wafers. Efficient removal of wafer saw damage, adding of texture, chemical polishing and cleaning of the wafers with reliable, safe wet processing systems is a key factor for increased facility productivity and high quality output. Modutek offers […]

How to Select a Supplier from Your List of Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturers


When choosing a supplier from a list of semiconductor equipment manufacturers you have to look at a wide variety of factors. Key points to evaluate include the following: Customization capabilities to meet customer requirements Equipment reliability Company experience and expertise Warranties Service and customer support Only after you have determined which manufacturers can actually supply […]

Tips on Selecting Wafer Processing Equipment for Your Application


Semiconductor manufacturing and research facilities use wet bench technology to produce silicon wafers that require many cleaning and etching process steps. The wet bench equipment needs to be flexible and configured for the particular manufacturing process. Ideally equipment should be suitable for both acid and solvent applications with designs based on extensive experience using high […]

How Marangoni Drying Produces Superior Surface Conditioning for Wafer Processing


At the end of a particular step in silicon wafer processing, wafers often have to be cleaned, rinsed and dried. The resulting wafer surfaces must be free of water, watermarks, particles and organic residues. Older technologies such as spinning the wafers rapidly or heat drying can no longer fulfill the requirements of high density electronic […]