
Wet Bench Manufacturer | Wet Process Equipment | Modutek

How Process Controls Are Improved with Automated Wet Bench Equipment


When semiconductor manufacturing is automated, tight process control can improve overall facility performance. An optimized manufacturing process can reduce consumption of consumables and production results are more uniform. Once a batch has run successfully, an automated process ensures that it will run the same way for subsequent batches. With good design, automation reduces silicon wafer […]

How Chemical Carts Provide Safe Handling and Disposal of Chemicals


Chemical handling equipment is an important part of a semiconductor manufacturing operation because the aggressive chemicals used in etching and cleaning semiconductor wafers have to be stored, delivered to the process, and disposed of safely. Chemical carts, also referred to as chemical pump carts or chemical collection carts, are a convenient way to remove waste […]

How Specialized Equipment Improves Silicon Wet Etching Processes


Results from common wet etching processes such as KOH and Piranha etch can be improved with the use of specialized equipment. Depending on the process, key parameters can be controlled especially well and innovative procedures can reduce particle counts. When specialized equipment is used in silicon wet etching processes, wafer output can increase, defects can […]